Are You a Rude Traveller? 5 Things You Should Stop Doing Now

Nervous Mom Travel Blog
4 min readApr 23, 2021

You may have seen my latest post about not wanting my noisy kids to ruin your dinner while on vacation in Florida. While not always succeeding in this we are at least aware of other vacationers. But not everyone on holiday seems to share this sentiment.

Here are a few things (that I admit in the grand scheme of life are pretty minor) that people do while traveling that just really suck. So, stop doing them so we can all stop rolling our eyes at you!

Work Conversations on Your Cell

Please just put it away. Unless you are in a business section of the plane or hotel then don’t have a business conversation, especially not poolside. No one wants to listen to your acquisition of so and so’s real estate holdings while trying to get a tan. The work from home and semi-retired freelance work that is becoming so popular makes this kind of vacation intrusion more likely and maybe even a new normal…But, for those of us who still have to physically show up at a job for 40+ hours per week, with bosses and customers — this might be our only week away for a year! I for one would argue that if you have to be talking to someone about your work then you should do it in private.

When You Jump the Queue

Seriously — what adult thinks this is ok? Airport queues, theme park ride lines, hotel check-in, buffet lines. I mean the list is endless. If you think you are that important that you should cut in front of my 6-year-old waiting for a waffle at a 3-star hotel breakfast bar, then maybe you should have stayed somewhere where your needs would be better taken care of!

Photo by Amanda Lins on Unsplash

The worst culprits are the families that think they can meander through a narrow corridor of people who have been waiting for 45-minutes in the hot sun for an attraction of some kind. This family apparently thinks they are entitled to do this because some schmuck from their party has been waiting just a few people in front of you (news to everyone around). This isn’t ok. Stop doing it.

The people in the sweaty hot line that you are shuffling past really really want to tell you “where to go”. Hint: It’s the back of the line, or somewhere else not so nice.

Filming Everything

Do you really need to film every second of the fireworks show? How about the entire parade? Ok, maybe I’m a bit cynical on this one. But do people really watch their entire trips on video when they get home? Sure — maybe you make You Tube videos for a living, and you want some content to edit. But if you’re going to film every second of the entertainment, can you at least not do it with your phone over your head in exactly the space that my head is supposed to go. It’s like those people who check their phone at the cinema. Uggh. Just put it down and enjoy the experience, or at least move to the back of the pack.

Saving Your Spot

This sort of goes along with the queue jumpers mentioned earlier. Saving a spot with a bunch of towels or strategically placed shoes is not cool if you have no intention on using said spot for another 4 hours. Saving 8 lounge chairs on the beach or resort pool at 8am and not showing up until noon is just a jerk move. You aren’t outsmarting the rest of us. It’s just the rest of us are less self-serving than you are.

Hotel Hallway Shenanigans

Hotel room walls are thin! People have babies sleeping and napping at all sorts of different times in the day. There are people who are getting up at 4am to catch a flight. Or they just got in from an 18-hour travel day. Screaming and running in the hotel hallways at any time of day can be a real annoyance for some. Having a hallway party with your friends down the hall is also not cool. Go to the bar instead.

Sleep is crucial to enjoying a holiday and when you can’t get a quiet night it can really dampen the trip.

Any other minor but super annoying things people do on vacation that make you mad? Leave a comment and let me know!



Nervous Mom Travel Blog
Nervous Mom Travel Blog

Written by Nervous Mom Travel Blog

Family doc, mom and anxious traveller.

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